WHY stop Now?

Have you met your breaking point? Are the stesses of life trying to convince you to give up? Are you in that place in life where no matter which way you turn, you seem to hit a dead end? The kids are driving you crazy, your finances are in shambles, your relationships are in sinking sand; and your job is on your last nerves. All you can think of is throwing in the towel, quitting and giving up on everything and everybody?!

Well DON’T quit! Don’t give in to the pressure. This is the exact place where diamonds are formed. Many won’t reach their diamond status because they have long given up, but you, you still have more fight in you. This is just the beginning of a turn around.

Any successful person can tell you they hit this point. No matter what they were trying accomplish there came a time when it didn’t seem worth it; they were worn down and outdone, but they stayed in the fight one more round, and won!

Don’t let the circumstances of life cause you to miss your breakthrough. Don’t be the man who was less 3 miles from hitting the gold line when he gave up, and sold everything, because he became weary of the long process. He had been mining for months and nothing happened, so he sold all of his machinery to another fellow, who in no time struck the line; and became very wealthy.

You are very close to your breakthrough. Everything you are facing now is to force you to give up, but the real test is complete when you don’t give up, but instead endure until the end.

You can make it! You will make it!  You have made it this far, why quit now?

Go! Be great! Stay in the fight! You’re at the end of the storm, just get to the other side!


I had to learn to be fearless. Being fearful was a common denominator I had lived amongst most of my life. I hated that space, but I didn’t know how to change it. I’d like to say I just woke up one day, and voila Magic, but that’s not entirely the case.

I had to retrain my mind. It was learned behavior and it was work to reverse the damage. I went on a self-improvement boot camp that was powered by me. It (is) a somewhat lonely journey, because not everyone is ready or wants to be greater than they are currently. I was/am okay with that and have been determined not to let it interfere with my training.

I first learned of self-improvement through network marketing. I eagerly joined a company, ready to become top executive, with a cashier mind frame. I wanted to win, but I wanted the win to chase me. I didn’t want to work for it, because plainly put, I was afraid of failing; and of setting the high expectation of success on myself. My thought was somewhat twisted. If I didn’t try hard to win, when and if I failed, it was okay, because I didn’t try anyway. But, if I succeed at something it will be an expected occurrence.

Fear had me trapped!

Fear of the unknown had me paralyzed in a state of mediocrity. After all, I was making just as much money, if not more than most people I knew. Which isn’t saying much considering I don’t know millionaires. The goals of the people I constantly surrounded myself with were mediocre and no-one particularly challenged my stance. We ALLOW each other’s mediocrity.

Once I was a part of this networking team I saw a fight in them that I had never encountered. I was introduced to another breed of people, and the way they spoke about themselves as winners, affirmed their future and took action, intrigued me. I’d only met one person like that, with a will and consistency to win, and I wanted to be a part of that world.

We were recommended some readings about self-improvement and growing our minds, in addition we were given some techniques on clearly speaking and believing what we want out of our life; and how to produce those things. It was during these times my mind started to shift. I was reading “The Magic of Thinking Big.”

I had recently come out of a depression and this was the turn around my life needed. I didn’t do so well at the business, partly due to not trying. The fear of what people would think of me made me shrink back. However, I took away some even greater jewels than winning financially.

My journey had begun. The transformation was in full effect. I began to read more, listen more and encourage myself even more. I began all of my morning with affirmations of being victorious, whole and complete, creative, strong in mind, body and spirit; full of love, full of courage and a David to my Goliaths.

I began to speak differently about my day, forecasting early on how amazing, and full of opportunity my day would be. People began to look at me as if I was losing my mind. I was so thrilled about what I had learned and how I was feeling; I wanted to share it with most everyone, but not everyone was receptive. I completely understood. Not long before, my mind was trapped on Excuse Street. It was the constant training that kept my mind from reverting back.

Over the course of about 4 years the journey continued. Daily I became more confident and trusting in myself. (I realized that trusting that I’m making great decisions regarding my life created a fearless mind frame as well.

I had to learn to be fearless. I’d like to say that I’m done learning, but it’s a daily overcoming. Daily, new opportunities present themselves for me to be fearless and daily I have to conquer them!