
No more shackles and no more chains

No more bondage it’s the year of Gain

Its the year of growth and the year of truth

Its the year of surplus that you have produced

Its the year to make changes its your year to improve

Its your time for freedom its the year of you.

There are no more shackles and there are no more chains

There is no more bondage and there is no more pain

Its the year of range and seeing things through

It’s the year of more and all that God can do

The year to move forward from the hurt of the past

The year to live in the now because it might not last

There’s no more walking around with your head hung low

Its time to believe in you; it’s time to let your inner God glow 

let your inner spirit show and your inner soul flow 

It’s time to trust in God and believe that he knows

He knows about your hurt and

He knows all about your pain

But God also knows your worth and that it’s time to reclaim

That peace that has been stolen Its time to get your joy back

No more letting the devil show up getting you off track……

There are no more shackles and no more chains

It’s time to Open your mind to the finer things

Gods greater is now and you are living in it

Don’t waste another ounce of a second being dependent 

On others for their supply bc you’re in demand

You see Its time to woman up, and it’s time to be a man

Bc Freedom has come and freedom is now

Is time to take hold or forever be bound

There are no more shackles and no more chains 

There is no more bandage its your year to reign

Its time to rise up and make boss moves

It’s time to free your mental and the emotional baggage too…

There is no more bondage to people and no more bondage to things

There is no more bondage to money it’s the year of your dreams

People put you in chains, they had you in bandage for years

You couldn’t afford to live for God and you didn’t out of fear

Fear of their thoughts and the relationships you might lose

Fear you were insufficient and you didn’t quite know you

But you have nothing to lose

Except your freedoms at stake

God has ordained 2017 your year to be great

I’m going after my freedom

I’m chasing after my dreams

I’m standing strong in my values 

And I’m forgetting about things

I’m forgetting about people

And their every thought of my move

I’m focusing less on things that will cause me to lose

I’m Focusing more on God and what is purposed for my life

2017 is our year to get it right

Ain’t no more shackles

Ain’t no more chains

There is no more bandage 

This is your year of change

2017, the year of greatness

It’s time to walk in it

Is time to live in it 

It’s time to be in it

It’s time to be free