How Marketing Affects The Public Speaker!

How marketing impacts the public speaker is simple, many of the same techniques used in marketing will be used to promote your career in pubic speaking. To be an effective public speaker you must be able to effectively market yourself, and your brand, as you would any other product or service you were selling. Marketing involves advertising and promotion of your product or service, pricing, and location or place of your service. In the case of public speaking, you are that product/service that is being sold.

Creating a great image of yourself, and for yourself, is the first step in building a trustworthy brand. It will be of the utmost importance that you maintain a good reputation. Just as you wouldn’t step foot into an establishment with a bad reputation, your public image is the same. You will be chosen based on your character. You are your brand and you have to ensure that it remains flawless.

Much of the advertising that will be done to promote you as a public speaker will be word of mouth, or public relations. Articles may be written about you. Blog post, good or bad, may be created about you and (unless otherwise noted) you may be filmed giving your presentations. Each of these will act as a form of advertising your brand. Not everything put out about you will be positive, which is another reason to maintain a flawless brand.

In addition to the free advertising that word of mouth will provide, you will need to manage your own career as a public speaker. Building a website, social media content (such as seen on YouTube and Twitter) will be great sources for building your brand and a following. Once you build your brand, and your followers, pricing of your services and location become much easier to establish.

Pricing your services as a public speaker will be initially be low, although still competitive and fair; but as demand increases so will your pricing.  Others will be willing to pay for your appearance because of the brand you have built. In addition, you will be pursued all over the county. Getting started as a public speaker, like any other product or service, may be a local or regional thing. As your brand, and familiarity of your name increases, national and international speaking engagements will come open.

An article presented by Stephanie Villella highlights six public speaking tips that help your marketing, and shows just how closely related marketing and public speaking are to one another.

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