
Why is love taboo? Why is it a scary vulnerable feeling to tell someone, especially someone of the opposite sex I love you?

Doesn’t it really mean that you accept someone as whole, or as incomplete as they are?

Doesn’t it only mean that you are not requiring them to change one piece of who they are and you are totally okay with them?

Doesn’t it only mean that you like everything about that person, including the things that you don’t like about that person?

Doesn’t it really mean that you are okay with all of their flaws as much as you with all of their accomplishments?

So why is there a sense of vulnerability surrounding saying the dreaded words I love you?

Is it because of the unspoken expectation that you think they feel about saying they love you back?

Even if they are completely okay with everything weird about you, does that mean they must love it, or that it means they want intimacy?

Or is it that the world has placed the expectation that a relationship will or is supposed to blossom from love?

What if it’s a perfect friendship?

What if it’s nothing at all except you just saying to someone “I appreciate who you are as a person and love how you appreciate who You are too.”

Why does love have to be so taboo?

Why does telling another person I love you have to be so taboo?

Why can’t we just say what we feel and expect nothing from anyone, and not feel the need to respond except with a thank you. I’m okay with receiving a thank you when I say I love you. I only want you to acknowledge my compliment because it is just that….. A compliment!

I love you!

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